Want to bulk up like The Rock? Start by inhaling 5,200 calories a day, more than twice what the normal man eats.
7 meals a day. Over 10 pounds of food. And I would have to assume, many trips to the bathroom….
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson needs a lot of calories a day. 4am workouts, 14 hours a day working on set, he burns up calories like a top fuel dragster goes thru nitro methane. Not to mention anyone that’s 6’5, 260 lbs. has a healthy appetite to begin with.
This is the diet the Hollywood A-lister uses to keep his body looking like Hercules.

Here’s what you need for groceries for ONE Day:
- 36 ounces of cod
- 8 oz. steak
- 8 oz. chicken
- Dozen eggs
- 12 oz. sweet potato
- 12 oz. baked potato
- 6 cups white rice
- 4 cups of veggies
- 2 cups of oatmeal
- 2 tablespoons of fish oil
- 30 grams of casein protein
- spinach salad
For Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s workout routine, click here.
Notes from The Rock:
- “I do cardio 4–5 a.m., then take 4–6 scoops of Optimum’s Amino Energy.”
- “After cardio I eat breakfast (first meal).”
- “After breakfast I hit the iron for 90 minutes.”
- “Post-workout I have 60 grams Optimum Nutrition’s Platinum Hydrowhey with 15 grams of glutamine.”
- “Thirty minutes later I consume 32 oz of Gatorade.”
- Source: Muscle and Fitness
Meal #1 (Breakfast)
10 oz. cod

2 whole eggs
2 cups of oatmeal
Meal #2 (Mid Morning)
8 oz. cod
12 oz. sweet potato
1 cup of vegetables (a mixture of broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots)
Meal #3 (Lunch)
8 oz. chicken
2 cups of white rice
1 cup vegetables
Meal #4 (Afternoon)
8 oz. cod
2 cups white rice
1 cup vegetables
1 tablespoon fish oil
Meal #5
8 oz. steak
12 oz. baked potato
Spinach salad
Meal #6
10 oz. cod
2 cups of white rice
Meal #7 (Supper)
10 egg white omelette
1 cup vegetables (onions, peppers, mushrooms)
1 tablespoon omega-3 fish oil
30 grams casein protein
To eat like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, you’re first going to need a large appetite, and second, a large bank account. Add it all up, and it figures to cost just under $50 per day, or around $1500 per month.
And not exactly friendly for vegetarians to try.