the rock dwayne johnson workout routine legs and back friday workout
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The Rock’s Workout Routine

Legs & Back (same as Tuesday)

  • 1 hour Cardio on Treadmill or Jog: 5 min warm up / 50 min steady pace / 5 min cool-down
  • 1.5 hours Weightlifting
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Notes
Seated Leg Presses 4 Pyramid 45 secs
Lying Leg Curls 4 Pyramid 45 secs
Smith Machine Lunges 4 Pyramid 45 secs
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 4 Pyramid 45 secs
Box Jumps 3 20 45 secs
Calf raises 3 20 45 secs
Dumbbell Rows 4 Pyramid 45 secs
Lat pull-downs 4 Pyramid 45 secs Wide Grip
Lat pull-downs #2 4 Pyramid 45 secs Narrow Grip
Seated Pulley Rows 4 Pyramid 45 secs Dumbbells
Barbell Shrugs 3 8-10 45 secs
Heavy DB Shrugs 3 10-12 45 secs Dumbbells

 Note: This is an intense workout. Please consult your physician before starting any type of exercise program.