The Rock is like Picasso making a painting when on the mic. Here is a collection of some of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s best WWE wrestling quotes. Enjoy and leave a comment at the bottom for your favorite one!
Finally….. The Rock, Has come back to…
If you smell what The Rock….. is….. cookin’!
What is your name?….It doesn’t matter what your name is!
The Rock will take you down to Know Your Role Boulevard, which is on the corner of Jabroni Drive, and check you directly into the Smackdown Hotel!
You want to go One on One with the Great One?
The Rock will Layeth the Smacketh Down all over your Candy Ass!
The Rock is without a doubt. Thee… MOST electrifying man in sports entertainment today!
The Rock says: Know your role and shut your damn mouth!
Just Bring It!
The Rock Says…
The Rock has just one thing to say to you: Poontang your ass on outta here!
Beat it. Go wash your ass!
Sweet cream on an ice cream samwich!
Look at The Rock’s competition. LOOK AT HIM! It looks like a big monkey came down here, took a crap, and out came Mankind!
You are a short haired, 7 foot, 500 pound, piece of steaming, stinking, grade “A” monkey crap!
The Rock figured he’d take his $600 shoe off, just like this, turn it sideways, just like this, and stick it straight up your candy ass!
The Rock will slap that crooked eye straight
There ain’t no way….and The Rock means NO WAY…
To read The Rock Says….The Rock’s Best Wrestling Quotes Part 2, just click here.
To read The Rock Says….The Rock’s Best Wrestling Quotes Part 3, just click here.
Always great. It was by my superstar,therefore its great all time
It’s always great since this was from my superstar. Always If you smell what The Rock….. is….. cookin’!
It’s always great since this was from my superstar and If you smell what The Rock….. is….. cookin’!
Rock is a great and dialogue is electric fine
Yes he is! I wish WWE was still this much fun.
WWE has changed a lot. Dwayne Johnson should occasionally wrestle people. Dwayne is AWEsome. He is great wrestler and movie star.
Y’all smell that?
I think it’s…
What The Rock is cookin’!!
The rock is cookin,,
The great king rock